The Disappearance of Ember Crow

The Disappearance of Ember Crow. Ambelin Kwaymullina. 2016. Candlewick. 432 pages. [Source: Review copy]

The Disappearance of Ember Crow is the middle book in a trilogy by Ambelin Kwaymullina. The series is The Tribe. How to categorize it? Let's see, definitely post-apocalyptic with supernatural, mystical elements. So if you enjoy world-building, whether science-fiction or fantasy, this series may prove to your liking.

First things first. Can it stand alone? Do you need to have read The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf? It does not stand alone in my opinion. I read the first book and absolutely loved it. It was such a wonderful surprise of a book. So in my opinion, why not recommend starting with the first book when the first book is so GOOD?!?!

With a title like "The Disappearance of Ember Crow," anyone can deduce that Ashala's close friend, Ember, is going to disappear! Essentially, the book is about Ashala and Daniel...and a new character, Jules, setting out to find Ember and rescue her if she needs it.

A good deal of world-building occurs in this one. Enough is left a MYSTERY that readers aren't quite sure what will ultimately happen in the series. But readers can probably predict that Ashala and Daniel's quest to locate Ember will be successful and that these friends will meet again.

Did I enjoy this one as much as the first book? Honestly, probably not, but I am partly to blame for that. I read the first book in two days. Maybe three. I read this sequel in about four weeks. It just could NOT compete with my rereading of The Lord of the Rings. Daniel and Ashala just could not compete with Aragorn, Sam, and Gandalf.

Would I recommend this series? Yes. Just don't pick up this series at the exact same time as LOTR!!! It deserves your full attention.

© 2016 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews

The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf

The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf. Ambelin Kwaymullina. 2014. Candlewick. 383 pages. [Source: Library]

I loved The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf. I did. (I didn't expect to 'love' it. I didn't know a lot about it going into it, hadn't read a thousand gushing reviews or anything. I would rather be surprised by how good a book is than be disappointed in how bad it is. So my thinking: always try to keep expectations moderately low.)

What you should know: 1) It is YA speculative fiction. I'd say somewhere between dystopian and post-apocalyptic. Post-apocalyptic because it is set hundreds of years after 'the reckoning' that almost destroyed the planet and wiped out humanity. Dystopian because of the ordered--often cruel--society or government that has restructured the world. So if you like or love either genre, then you should pick this one up. 2) It is complex--purposefully, strategically structured to keep you always guessing and a bit unsure. Some people love this, I think; some people don't. I enjoyed it very much! 3) The premise is simple perhaps to make up for the complex storytelling and intense plot. The premise? Well, some people are born with special powers or abilities. These abilities manifest themselves over time, so, you essentially grow into your power/ability. Strength (intensity/power) and control (ability to direct, use at will) vary from person to person. These people are labeled 'illegal' and are targeted by the government. 4) The book is about the conflict between Illegals and the Powers That Be. Questioning Authority and Being True To Yourself are some of the themes explored. 5) I love the world-building. Not everything is explained upfront, and, I love that about it. I don't think everything should be revealed from page one. I like the mystery and suspense and the gradual unfolding of how things are as you orient yourself to Ashala's world. It almost is better because it is slow and gradual. 6) The characterization. Like the world-building, characters aren't nicely introduced in a telling, usual way.

Ashala Wolf is one of the leaders of the tribe, a group of Illegals living in the Firstwood, living on their own as far away from society as they can get. Firstwood is a unique, fantastical setting. I never quite pictured or imagined it fully, but, that didn't stop me from loving this one. It didn't feel "less real" because of that. It almost felt "more real." In the opening chapter, readers learn that she has been captured, perhaps even betrayed by the boy, the young man, that she can't help being drawn to. She's essentially a prisoner at a detention camp, and, because she's a leader, and a defiant leader at that, she most likely is facing torture.

Actually, The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf reminded me of first season Alias. There's intensity, action, and confusion all at the same time. I could just as easily compare it to LOST or Once Upon A Time. You may not know everything you want to know, but, you know just enough to know you want more, more, MORE.

© 2016 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews

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