Book Blogger Hop - Take 1


Question: How many years have you been blogging? Anything special you want to tell everyone about your experiences?

Answer: In December I celebrate my 11th Blogging Anniversary. (I had a Live Journal before that, but I don't count it). I started blogging because an online friend got into in November. Book blogging was still a relatively new thing back then. Then, it sort of exploded. It is hard to believe what has changed in that time. I remember when I first started getting offered review copies of books. I was so excited! This was before e-readers were popular, or maybe even invented... (I was a bit slow to e-readers, so I can't remember when they launched). It was before Netgalley, Twitter, and Instagram. There was Facebook, though, but social media was just in its infancy. And, now... I find the blogging world can get kind of overwhelming. I try to stick to my quiet little corner and I don't branch out like I used to. I rarely accept review copies any more and most of my book blogging is a Sunday post where I tell what I read that week. My blog has changed a lot from the one that I started, but I like how it has changed. I still read, but I have developed many other interests that I like to talk about. And, my blogging ebbs and flows, but that's life...

How long have you been blogging? What are your thoughts on it?

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