Things I Have Learned Since... I Started Cleaning on a Schedule
06:15I recently started following this cleaning schedule and made it through my first 30 days. I don't follow it exactly, but it gives me a framework.
1. | I used to find myself doing heavy duty cleaning on the weekends or when I knew someone was coming over, now I do a little bit every day and feel more relaxed when we have company or on the weekends.
2. | The writer of this list cannot have pets. If I only vacuum when the list tells me to, the house would look like fur city. I vacuum my main rooms almost everyday and my vacuum container is ALWAYS full. Especially right now with spring and shedding...
3. | It does not matter if you give me a schedule or not, the one task I still avoid is the bathroom. Do I clean my bathroom? Of course. Do I sometimes push it to the next day and do something else instead? Of course!
4. | I suppose since we have no little kids running around, I honestly do not have to surface clean as much as the list tells me to. On those days I usually just dust and vacuum and maybe put a couple things away. In the morning I always surface clean my living room if it needs to be done and my kitchen is accomplished mostly by just doing the dishes... The bedrooms a couple pieces of clothing may need to be hung up, but that is usually it...
5. | The closet day was my favourite. I rearranged to make it for a Sunday and, ladies and gents, I finally found space in a closet for the guys speakers! This house only has two closets and he has a lot of music gear... But, I was determined and now very happy that stuff is not out in the open any more. Two of the speakers were still in boxes and the cats were destroying the boxes. They are now in cases his sister made and the cats have moved on to other forms of destruction... That day made me really happy!
6. | I have been turning this into a bit of spring cleaning, so it often took more than 20 mins. But, as I write this on my desktop, my desk has a lot less stuff on it!
7. | My windows probably need to be done more than once a month... There are cat and dog nose prints on several of them regularly... And, because I don't do them more regularly, let me tell you how much that stuff sticks to the window! I will have to work them in more especially with birds in the backyard soon to become a thing...
8. | I always did the dishes daily but laundry I would do all on one day... Other than this week when other stuff was happening, all April I did laundry whatever day there was enough clothes and it worked. I am disappointed I failed this week and will actually have to have a laundry day.
9. | I think the best part of this all is that if I miss a day because life is busy, I don't feel guilty like I used to... Most of the projects are simple enough that I can do two in one day if I have to and still be done in a reasonable amount of time. And, I find the more I thin things out and organize, the less I actually have to do when that day comes around again.
10. | I am hoping that because I managed to do this longer than 30 days, that I will be able to keep it up! Every evening I look to see what the next days task is and scribble it down in my bullet journal. It has made my life easier and I definitely am glad I decided to try it!